J.P.G.H. (Jan) Schaepman


J.P.G.H. (Jan) Schaepman

78 jaar

gehuwd met Patricia Lee

Bron: online-familieberichten.nl (15-02-2024)
1 reactie
  1. Henry Parisius zegt:

    Dear Patricia,
    It is with deep sorrow that I learned about the passing of Jan.
    By those who worked for and with him and by his friends he shall always be remembered as a great person with a very good heart.
    When visiting him at the apartment in Amsterdam his health was rather fragile. At that occasion it did not go unnoticed that he was in very good hands because of your dedication and unconditional loving care. Taking care of a vulnerable person is challenging and very difficult task. You deserve much appreciation for the care you gave and the way you did that.
    Unfortunately, I won’t be able to bid a last farewell, but I console myself with the thought that the real graves are not in the cemetery but in the hearts of those who live.
    Wishing you a lot of strength and comfort to overcome this grave loss.


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